wtorek, 12 lutego 2013



…or a method of removing toxic heavy metals from human body, is used in all poisoning units. The term “chelators” or “chelating substances”, however, covers a large number of medicines that are frequently lumped together, which can be quite misleading since many of them give side effects.
Some of the most common chelators are: NA-EDTA sodium edetate, sodium-calcium edetate, BAL, DIMERCAPTOL, DEFROXAMINE, CUPRENIL (D-penicillamine), DMPS, as well as some antibiotics (tetracycline) and herbs.
uring ten years of my medical practice I have used only one medicine, namely, sodium edetate (NA-EDTA); it chelates virtually the entire periodic table, but reveals the greatest affinity with heavy metals. In contrast to treating patients of poisoning wards, e.g. with lead when edetate is administered intravenouslyas a continuous infusion, in edetatechelation therapy I have used small dosages of edetate (1,5g + magnesium in saline) every few days, and I have never observed complications, even in patients in their nineties.
Edetate therapy does not take out microelements necessary for life, and even if there appears any decrease in the level microelements it is insignificant, and the substancescan be replenished by usual diet or by their supplements.
Edetate therapy improves the circulation in micro-vessels, hence 90% of patients are vascular patients with lower limbs or cardiac ischemia, after myocardial infraction, frequently with bypasses and stents that cannot be helped, and their condition keeps deteriorating. Edetatetherapy cannot be used with patients withatresic large vessels or dangerous local constriction of veins (this is the realm of cardiac surgeons and vascular surgeons).
ne of the most common misconceptions about the treatment is claiming that chelation removes calcium and cholesterol from the vessels and that is why the condition of patients improves. The urinalyses of my patients, performed by Biological Monitoring Laboratory at Biosafety Unit of Institute of Occupational Medicinein Łódź before chelation and three hours after it, defined the level of toxic metals in one’s body; during tests for the level of calcium and magnesium in the same samples, performed by Vitalabo Medical Laboratory in Bydgoszcz, it turned out that the metals are expelled in the urine, while calcium and magnesium, the level of which is lower after chelation, are retained (my interpretation see www.wwrobel.pl/art.Chelatacja Mity i Fakty). The level of expelling of metals after chelation is different for every patient, but the level of zinc after chelation becomes several dozen higher.
s a result, I examined the level ofzinc-dependent metalloproteinase, MMP-9, in blood serum 24 hours after chelation (the test was made with ELIS Method at Clinic of Allergology, Clinical Immunology and Internal Diseases in Bydgoszcz). It turned out that sodium edetate is the inhibitor of MMP-9 metalloproteinase, and probably of all 22 zinc-dependent metalloproteinases, since its level was smaller by 30-70% in all patients.
The role of metalloproteinases is discussed by Bożena Dziankowska-Bartkowiakand Elżbieta Waszczykowska from Department of Immunology and Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical University of Łódź: “The concentration of metalloproteinase sincreases in diseases associated withabnormalitiesin the formationand degradation of theconnective tissue, such asrheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cornealulcers, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, parodontosis, and autoimmunedermatitis.” Articles on the role of MMP-9 metalloproteinase: Marzena Grabowska Agnieszka Tycińska, “Miażdżyca, zawał m. serca, choroba wieńcowa”[Atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease] from Department of Biochemical Diagnostics of Cardiology Department of Medical University of Białystok; Grażyna Michałowska-Wender, Grażyna Adamowicz, Mieczysław Wender, “Polineuropatie, stwardnienie rozsiane, stwardnie niezanikowe boczne” [Polyneuropathy, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis] from Institute of Experimental Medicine, Medical University of Poznań; Izabela Śliwowska, Zygmunt Kopczyński “Inwazja nowotworówa MMP-9” [Invasion of cancer and MMP-9”], Współczesna onkologia[Contemporary oncology]/2005, vol. 9,8.
he articles quoted here, published in medical magazines, illustrate a great interest in metalloproteinases. I believe that edetate therapy should be employed as a prevention method for diseases of known and unknown etiology that can delay the aging process of the body.
WiesławWróbel, M.D.
The article was published in Primum Non Nocere, 1/2013, in the bulletin of Bydgoszcz Medical Chamber

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