sobota, 28 lipca 2012

Chelation therapy EDTA. True about chelation.

Chelation therapy EDTA. Myths and Facts

 Chelation therapy Center         WRÓBEL MED  Bydgoszcz
(Wersenian sodu)  Na2 EDTA (disodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid) is a pharmacopeic drug (/CAS 139-33-3/ LEKI WSPÓŁCZESNEJ TERAPII WYDANIE XIX 2009)

 Na2 EDTA is a widely used drug by toxicological centers as a therapy for severe, life-threatening poisoning with heavy metal, and especially with lead. EDTA chelates, that is binds the metal atoms, forming a complex or chelate, which is soluble in water. The complex is completely excreted from the body after several hours. EDTA can practically chelate all metal elements from the Medeleev periodic table, however, it has the highest affinity for heavy metals toxic for human life such as lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, and excess of other metals in the body.
Na2 EDTA used in multiple intravenous infusions in small doses is beneficial for patients who do not respond any longer to previous long-term and intensive treatment with other drugs. During my 10-year long practice of treating several thousand patients with chelation therapy I had not encountered a single case when the health was not improved in patients who did not interrupt the therapy after a few infusions. The improvement of health after a few infusions is seen only in rare cases; usually it is seen after ten to twenty infusions and as a rule after twenty or sometimes even after thirty intravenous infusions.  Every person after the age of 50-60 years accumulated in his/her organs a depot a variety of metals that were ingested with artificially processed food, water, especially originating from the wells, various commercial drinks, consumption of a variety of uncontrolled food supplements or even from long use of some drugs that contain metal ions. Asymptomatic patients who do not report any problem and are apparently healthy after undergoing prophylactic therapy report later significant improvement in their physical and intellectual performance, higher level of vital energy and feel rejuvenated by ten years.
Therefore, I believe that people over fifty years of age, not only those who show some  clinical symptoms of ailments, but also those who feel healthy, have in their organism excess of one or a few toxic metals. Based on our long-term urine analysis (using the method of ICP-MS, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry –  performed by Pracownia Monitoringu Biologicznego, Zakładu Bezpieczeństwa  Chemicznego, Instytutu Medycy Pracy w ŁODZI, Poland) we classify such a condition as a:


 Particularly interesting is that while the level of all metals is increased in the urine three hours after intravenous administration of Na2 EDTA compared to the level before chelation treatment, the level of calcium and magnesium instead of rising is decreased by one half, and this is observed during a dozen or so of sessions. 

On example level calcium and magnesium before and after chelation:

Patient J.Ch:
Calcium (Ca)         before      3,37 mmol/l      after   1,71mmol/l
Magnezium (Mg)                  2,99 mmol/l                  1.00mmol/l

Patient W.Z:
Calcium (Ca)          before    2,45 mmol/l     after   1,22 mmol/l
Magnezium (Mg)                  2,49 mmol/l                 0,79mmol/l

Patient O.A:
Calcium (Ca)        before     8,94 mmol/l     after    2,38  mmol/l
Magnezium (Mg)                  4,02 mmol/l                 0,89 mmol/l

Patient H.W:
Calcium (Ca)      before        4,47 mmol/l     after   3,24 mmol/l
Magnezium (Mg)                  2,61 mmol/l                 0,86 mmol/l

Like dozens of other patients

This means that it is not true that the chelation  removes calcium and magnesium from the organism.

One could explain this phenomenon by theorizing that probably after the removal of lead and cadmium, calcium and magnesium return to their locations, that is calcium to the bones and magnesium to the variety of enzymes from which they were previously displaced by stronger metals.
In the organism there are no „empty spaces,” no enzymes waiting to be combined with magnesium for in its place other metals are absorbed, mainly cadmium, aluminum, and others. These are stronger metals than magnesium and magnesium is not able to displace them. The only method to remove these toxic metals from the human organism seems to be the intravenous administration of the Na2 EDTA.
Chemical element magnesium is necessary for the proper function of the organism. Its deficiency in tens of enzymes causes their inactivation to various digress which result in various illnesses and precocious aging. 

ALUMINUM is deposited in various tissues and especially and irreversably in the brain cells. As a result follow decrease in memory and balance disorder. Aluminium also blocks catecholamines, reabsorbtion of neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenalin. Aluminum is always accumulated in large quantities in the brain cells in cases of Alzheimer disease leading to severe  dementia. I have observed in some patients undergoing chelation therapy a four-fold increase of aluminum level in urine after treatment indicating an excessive level of this toxic metal in the organism.
LEAD accumulating mainly in bones and weakening their structure, and CADMIUM causing osetomalacia are principal factors for the loss of height, often by the size of a head,  occurring with age. 
IRON, is the most important metal in the body, however, when it occurs in excessive quantity it becomes very toxic and is responsible for many illnesses, especially in the advanced age, but beginning usually at the age of 50. There are several causes that may produce excessive level of iron, such as congenital genetic factors conditioned e.g. by the gene of hemochromatose found on avergae in one of ten people; but this illness appears in 1/1200 to 1/1400 patients in the form of diabetes, damage to the liver, spleen, joints, heart and testicles. Deposits of hemosiderin are accumulated in these organs. At the age of 40-60 years occur liver enlargement, gastro-intestinal complaints, permanent joint pains, disorders of heart rhythm, decrease in libido, and permanent fatigue. Often in these patients occurs gray-brown skin coloration especially on the face, and the liver cancer may develop. Deposits of iron also are accumulated in PARKINSON’S DISEAE. The first symptoms of Parkinson’s appear when already 80% of brain base nuclei are destroyed by iron deposits. Iron also is deposited in muscles. Heart muscle in older persons is not red but brown due to the accumulated iron deposits. Certainly, the metals mentioned above alone are not the only cause of those diseases that are at least partially produced by genetic factors, however, one cannot exclude that their excess in the body accelerates the tempo of their development.
Large quantity of iron also is deposited in microvascular area and in small arteries. Their thickened and rigid walls containing deposits of phospholipids, calcium, aluminum, copper, and iron do not respond to any vasodilating drugs. Clinical improvements observed, after chelation treatment of many ailments, such as regression of angina pectoris, regression of pains in the lower limbs, improvement of eye sight, of hearing, and of breathing capacity, indicate that the walls of blood vessels become more elastic increasing the blood circulation. 

disodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (WERSENIAN SODU) as inhibitor of Zinc-linked METALOPROTEINS  
During my studies on the positive role of chelation therapy by disodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid I have observed, in addition, that this drug is inhibiting a dangerous metalloproteinase MMP 9. In the urine tests described above, we have observed that increase in the level of various metals after chelation treatment, though it varied from patient to patient, was on the average several-fold, but increase in zinc was from  9 to 61 times higher.  

On example author:
 Level of metal in urine     Before treatment            After treatment
Aluminium                   11.1  µg/L                           34.1  µg/L
Lead                               1.6  µg /g creatinine       18.2    µg /g creatinine
Zinc /Zn/                   325    µg /g creatinine   19370.9   µg /g creatinine
                                  Increase in zinc 59-fold

For example patient J.CH (man age 69):
Level of metal in urine     Before treatment             After treatment
Cobalt (Co)                            0,29 µg/L                  0,96 µg/L
Iron (Fe)                                 27,3 µg/L                  959 µg/L
Chrome (Cr)                           2,28 µg/L                  1,77 µg/L
Mercury (Hg)                         1,05 µg/L                  1,05 µg/L
Copper (Cu)                           16,2 µg/L                   45,5 µg/L
Nickel (Ni)                              0,57 µg/L                  1,92 µg/L
Lead (Pb)                                8,75 µg/L                  25,6 µg/L
Zinc (Zn)                                272,6 µg/L                 31 512 µg/L
Cadmium (Cd)                       1,05 µg/L                   7,04 µg/L
Alluminium (Al)                    31 µg/L                      74,5 µg/L
Manganese (Mn)                    0,62 µg/L                   31,3 µg/L
Calcium (Ca)                        3,37 mmol/l                 1,71mmol/l
Magnezium (Mg)                  2,99 mmol/l                  1.00mmol/l

For example patient S.P (women age 29) :
Level of metal in urine     Before treatment             After treatment
Cobalt (Co)                         0,27 µg/L                  0,26 µg/L
Iron (Fe)                             71,3 µg/L                   98,0 µg/L
Chrome (Cr)                        3,2 µg/L                    1,64 µg/L
Copper (Cu)                        7,62µg/L                   16,3 µg/L
Nickel (Ni)                          2,31 µg/L                  7,64 µg/L
Lead (Pb)                            1,38 µg/L                   6,91 µg/L
Zinc (Zn)                             386 µg/L                   7 759 µg/L
Cadmium (Cd)                     0,30 µg/L                  0,61 µg/L
Alluminium (Al)                  157 µg/L                   726 µg/L
Manganese (Mn)                  1,04 µg/L                   18,7 µg/L

Calcium (Ca)                        2,88 mmol/l                 0,83 mmol/l
Magnezium (Mg)                  2,40 mmol/l                  0,90 mmol/l

Investigating the reltionship between the quantity of excreted zinc and the level of zinc-linked metalloproteinases in the human body, we have tested the level of MMP 9 in the blood serum before chelation and 24 hours after chelation (tests performed by clinical immunological laboratory in Bydgoszcz). All 11 patients showed a decrease in level of MMP 9 from 30-70 %. One exception constituted a patient who had previously a severe viral meningitis (herpes zoster).

Level of MMP9     before chelation         24 hours later after chelation

Patient W.Z:
level of MMP 9    222,99  ng/m            173,81 ng/mL in blood serum 

Patient W.B:
level of MMP 9    189,27  ng/m            75,22 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient N.S:
level of MMP 9    224,83  ng/m             188,25 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient W.W:
level of MMP 9    180,12  ng/m            101,09 ng/mL in blood serum

 Patient M.E:
level of MMP 9    146,06  ng/m              89,19 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient M.M:
level of MMP 9    150,47  ng/m             76,00 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient B.B:
level of MMP 9    218,26  ng/m             131,68 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient Ł.G:
level of MMP 9    185,15  ng/m              101,78 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient Ł.W:
level of MMP 9    146,64  ng/m                53,81 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient R.D:
level of MMP 9    178,04  ng/m               139,23 ng/mL in blood serum

Patient M.M (who had previously a severe viral meningitis - herpes zoster):
level of MMP 9    265,28  ng/m               264,67 ng/mL in blood serum 

For example  my (author) level of MMP 9    
 before - 180.12  ng/mL    and     after - 101.09 ng/mL in blood serum

There are 22 metalloproteinases in human organism, such as collagenase, elastase, and the most dangerous MMP 9 and MMP 2. They are responsible for many chronic diseases of the circulatory system, degenerative disease of the osteo-articular system, the nervous system, and the neoplastic metastases.

                                                     Doctor of Medicine Wiesław Wróbel

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